森山老師帰国/Moriyama Roshi Returned to Japan

ハワイのホノルルダイヤモンドサンガのパロロ禅センターに2月12日から滞在していた森山老師が先週帰国されました。ダイヤモンドサンガは、森山老師が尊敬する禅指導者の一人であるエイトケン老師(Robert Baker Aitken)により創設されたものです。


Last week Moriyama roshi returned to Japan from Hawaii.  He was staying in Palolo Zen center of Honolulu Diamond Sangha since Feb. 12.  The Diamond Sangha was established by Robert Baker Aitken Roshi, who is one of great zen teachers in U.S. and Moriyama Roshi's respected teacher. 

During the stay, Moriyama Roshi was able to meet with Aiteken Roshi who is retired and Rev. Kieran who is now leading the Sangha.  Roshi also enjoyed to give a talk in a Zazen meeting held in the Zen center as well as sitting Zazen and working with other American practitioners.



八正道 / Noble Eighthold Path
