大菩薩山僧堂創立30周年記念摂心 Retreat for Cerebrating the 30th Anniversary of Zuigakuin's Foundation

(大菩薩山僧堂、龍門  Zuigakuin Dragon Gate)


  • 摂心の参加は4月29日~5月5日の期間中であれば、いつから始めても何泊でも結構です。各自のご都合に合わせてご参加ください。
  • 森山老師による特別提唱を行います。テーマは「禅とは何か、仏教とは何か、宗教とは何か」です。老師自身の長い禅体験、宗教体験に基づいたお話となります。また、他にも特別講師として在家で参禅歴の長い方たちから、自身の修行体験についてお話をいただく予定です。具体的な日程については本ブログにて近日中に告知します。なお外国人の方には通訳を手配いたします。
  • 森山老師との直接面談の機会を多く設けます。古来より禅仏教の真髄は宗教体験を通じて師匠から弟子へ伝えられてきたものです。老師との直接対話を通じて、単なる知識ではない仏の教えに触れることができるはずです。
  • 入門者コースを設けました。坐禅の経験が少ない、あるいは全くない方に摂心の日程をすべてこなすのは大変です。入門者に対しては、瑞岳院のスタッフが最初に相談をさせていただき、無理のないように日程を調整させていただきます。


4:00 早朝の坐禅
5:30 朝の読教
6:30 朝食
7:30 掃除等作業
9:00  朝の坐禅
10:00 午前の法話
11:30 昼食
14:00 午後の法話
15:00 夕方の坐禅
17:00 夕食
19:00 夜の座禅
21:00 就寝

During May holiday season from April 29 – May 5, Zuigakuin will hold a special Sesshin (retreat program) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of Zuigakuin. Zuigakuin was founded in 1980. Kuri (Kitchen hall) was built in the same year and Sodo (Monk hall) in two years later. In 2010 in celebrating the anniversary, the special May retreat program is prepared to allow more participants, regardless of their practice experience, to experience and familiarize with Buddhism and Zazen (sitting meditation). 

Special Features of May Retreat

  • During the retreat period from April 29 to May 5, you can start your practice any day and stay as many days as you wish to fit your personal schedule.
  • Special Dharma talks by Moriyama Roshi are scheduled. The topic of talks is “What is Zen, What is Buddhism, What is Religion?” The talks are prepared based on many years of Zen experience and religious experience of Moriyama Roshi himself. There are also scheduled talks by senior lay-practitioners based on their own experiences on practice. Concrete schedule will be announced in this blog soon. Translation service is available for foreign participants. 
  • More frequent private interviews with Moriyama Roshi will be arranged. Traditionally, the core of Zen Buddhism teaching was transmitted from a teacher to a disciple through religious experience. Participants should be able to experience the Buddha’s teaching through direct communication with Moriyama Roshi.
  • Introduction program is available. It may be difficult to follow the entire schedule of the retreat for practitioners who does not or have little experience in Zazen. Our staff member will be discussing adjustment of the daily schedule with the practitioners in the first day so that the practitioners with less Zazen experience also can enjoy the retreat.
If you wish to participate in May retreat program or learn more, please contact Tessan Abe (tessan.abe@gmail.com)

Daily Schedule during Retreat

04:00    Early morning Zazen
05:30    Morning sutra chanting
06:30    Breakfast
07:30    Work period
09:00    Morning Zazen
10:00    Morning Dharma lecture
11:30    Lunch
14:00    Afternoon Dharma lecture
15:00    Afternoon Zazen
17:00    Dinner
19:00    Evening Zazen
21:00    Lights out



八正道 / Noble Eighthold Path
